Ease of Doing Business studies business regulations from the perspective of a small to medium size domestic company. Doing Business in Pakistan provides a quantities measure of the national and local regulations for starting a business, across borders and enforcing contracts-as they apply to domestic small and rights and reduce the costs of resolving disputes, rules that increase the predictability of economic interactions and rules that provide contractual partners with core protections against abuse. The objective is regulations designed to be efficient, to be accessible to all who need to use them and to be simple in their implementation. 

Doing Business encompasses 2 types of data. The first come from readings of laws and regulations. The second are time and motion measure the efficiency on achieving a regulatory goal (such as granting the legal identity of a business). Within the time and motion indicators, cost estimates are recorded from official fee schedules where applicable.

In order to facilitate the people applying for Franchise Utility Store the criterion for opening of Franchise Utility Stores is as under:-

  • Intervening distance between proposed & existing Regular/Franchise Utility Store should be ½ Km (0.5 Km).

  • Age limit required for opening of Franchise Utility Store is 18-65 years.

  • Minimum Educational Qualification required is Middle.

  • Minimum covered area of proposed shop should be 250 sq. ft.

  • Applicant should be resident of Same District.

  • Requirement of financial strength (bank statement) of the applicant is         Rs. 200,000/- for urban area and Rs. 100,000/- for the rural area.

  • Franchisee is authorized to Sell All Other Items which are not included in USC assortment list.

  • One Person can get only one Franchise License & subletting of Franchise Utility Store is not allowed.

  • Rs. 5000/- (non refundable) is collected one time as Registration Fees.

  • Rs. 10,000/- Security Money (Refundable) will be deposited after approval of Franchise License.

  • Purchases are made against Advance Payment through bank draft/pay order.

  • Store is viable at the sale of Rs. 300,000/- per month.

  • More than one store allowed in a union council provided the intra store distance i.e. ½ Km (0.5 Km) is maintained.

  • Franchisee can opt out of the scheme at one month’s notice.

Franchise Application Forms which include the complete criteria for opening of Franchise Utility Store along with the documents required for the application can be obtained from Utility Stores designated Offices & can also be downloaded from USC’s official website www.usc.com.pk.

The detail application procedure is as under:-

  • The applicant will contact with his/her concerned USC Regional Office for submission of application and the Regional Management will acknowledge his application. Thereafter he will be guided for completeness of documents at the earliest, suitability of proposed location for Franchise Utility Stores and immediate feasibility check will be conducted. The complete case will be forwarded to Zonal Office within Seven (7) working days positively.

  • On receipt of case at Zonal Office the Zonal Manager will ensure that the same is forwarded to Head Office with his comments/recommendations within Three (3) working days positively.

  • On receipt of a case for issuance of License from Zonal Office, Franchise Utility Stores Head Office will ensure issuance of license to applicant within Five (5) working days.                                                      

  • Following the above procedure the applicant will receive Franchise License            within twenty one (21) working days with acceptance of completion of documents & including the mailing period.

 The Franchisee will operate his Franchise Store under the rules/regulations issued by the Head Office from time to time. However, he/she can opt out of the scheme at any time on his personal request.